Sabka Desh Hamara Desh Campaign

SDHD2 Materials

The All India People’s Science Network (AIPSN) at its All India People’s Science Congress in Bangalore in May 2015 had decided to launch an All India campaign that addresses the twin threats posed by the neoliberal and religious sectarian assault on people’s lives in India.

The contours of the programme were discussed and finalized at a national level cadre camp in July 2016, organized in Panchmari, MP. The campaign, Sabka Desh, Hamara Desh, was launched on November 7th, 2016. A National Advisory committee consisting of eminent personalities drawn from the fields of Science and culture has been formed. The campaign is conceived as a nationwide mass contact programme with a distinct political content.

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National Scientific Temper Day on 20th August

Throughout the country, different events were organised  for NSTD:

See STD-MandiHP   TNSF   JVV(AP)     MPVS    Karnataka    PSF   JVV(Telengana)

Maharashtra     Odisha 

Read article by

*Niruj Mohan Ramanujam      *Arnab Bhattacharya   

Read News in  The Hindu Bengaluru 20Aug   The Hindu Madurai 21Aug   

Statement-signed-by-scientists                      Statement-endorsed-by-public


In an exclusive interview with Newsclick, Maharashtra Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Samiti President Dr Avinash Patil speaks about how his organisation has continued the war against superstitions. The organisation was established by Dr Narendra Dabholkar, who was killed for running a campaign to end unscientific beliefs. According to Dr Patil, the killers are the ones who are not capable of countering an idea with another idea. They have only one weapon to be used against logic and science, which is violence.

Ellora Vigyan Manch, Assam


Since its inception in May 2004, the Ellora Vigyan Mancha has engaged itself in fighting all forms of superstition and blind belief and for spreading scientific temper amongst the people. The major issues being taken up include : menace of ‘witch’ hunting, black magic, sorcery. wizardry, fraudulent healer or quackery, false beliefs in astrology and gemstones, so called ‘Godman’, etc.
As part of its activities, the Ellora Vigyan Mancha also takes up the issues related to people’s health and hygiene, environment and climate change, science popularization, etc.
The major activities of the organization has been the campaigns and encouragements for voluntary blood donation while alive and eye donation, organ donation or whole body donation after one’s death for transplantation or for enrichment of medical science and benefit of mankind.
It has also been launching joint campaigns and movements with like minded organisations in furtherance of the aims and objectives of the Mancha.

77,P.D. Chaliha Road. Hedayetpur

(Near Guwahati Club)

Post: SILPUKHURI- 781003


Mobile: 9435042102, 9435550207


Chhattisgarh Vigyan Sabha, Chhattisgarh


Chhattisgarh Vigyan Sabha (CGVS) is a registered (No.CGstate-459 dated 10.12.2003) non government organization, committed to generate scientific temperament among the people for better living and environment. The CGVS has a team of scientists, Doctors, Engineers, Social Scientists, Academicians, folk artists, teachers and students from all over the Chhattisgarh state. It has its units in all the districts with more than 1000 members all over the state. The Vigyan Sabha is also supported by other part time science activists. The CGVS is a peoples science movement active in the state since its inception .

The CGVS aims at concrete analysis of the impact of science on society. Its role in socio economic and political context to increase scientific input in development of planning and self reliant peoples science movement for scientific temperament and awareness towards science and technology to work for world peace , conservation of environment and eco-system, conduct seminars, exhibitions, competitions and generate peoples science movement. The CGVS is governed by an elected executive council for a period of two years. It also has its elected district level units.

Mr. P.C. Rath

B-6, Sales Tax Colony

Shankar Nagar,

Raipur – 492007, Chattisgarh

Mobile :9479203040


Walmart-Flipkar Deal: Attack on Retailers, Producers, Farmers and Labour and Digital Sovereignty

The US based Multinational Corporation (MNC) Walmart’s acquisition of Flipkart undermines India’s
economic and digital sovereignty and the livelihood of millions in India. If the $ 16 billion deal goes
through, two US companies (the other being Amazon) will dominate India’s e-retail sector. They will also
own India’s key consumer and other economic data, making them our digital overlords, joining the ranks of Google and Facebook.

See article on the issue

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