AIPSN Condolence Resolution: Admiral (retd) L.Ramdas, former Chief of Naval Staff of the Indian Navy and distinguished citizen

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AIPSN Condolence Resolution:

Admiral (retd) L.Ramdas,

former Chief of Naval Staff of the Indian Navy and distinguished citizen


The All India Peoples Science Network (AIPSN) deeply mourns the passing of Admiral (retd) L.Ramdas, former Chief of Naval Staff of the Indian Navy and distinguished citizen who contributed as much if not more to this country in his post-retirement civilian life as he did during his meritorious military career.

The Indian Nay and a grateful nation will forever treasure the stellar role of  Admiral L.Ramdas during the liberation of Bangladesh and subsequently, as Head of the Navy, in leading the Armed Services in the induction of women.

Post retirement, Admiral (retd) L.Ramdas devoted himself to numerous causes for promoting peace, constitutional rights, secularism and peoples issues. AIPSN holds in high esteem its work with him in the Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace, the Pakistan-India Peoples Forum for Peace and Democracy; the struggle for safety and the lives and livelihoods of people affected by the Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant; his continued support for and participation in the Konkan people’s movement against the Jaitapur Nuclear Power Plant; and against the growing communalism in the country.

AIPSN extends its heartfelt condolences to his wife, Lalita Ramdas, a fellow campaigner on many of the same and other issues, and to his daughters. We express our continued appreciation of their support to the cause of scientific temper and literacy.